Saturday, July 12, 2008

On the road towards technology

First cell phone

Today, I woke up at 5h30 A.M, 3h15 that I had to wait for dad to wake up. I would have had to wait longer dad if I had unfortunately wake him by watching. We went to have breakfast and I had eggs and pineapple (they are delicious here, completely different to the one in France). I served myself again and had a Chinese bun which made me think of Marina, a great family friend who was my school principle whilst I attended her Montessori establishment; she’s loves good food. Afterwards, we went to Wi-Fi spot where we coincidentally met Lu Guang, a great photographer and old student and friend of Dad. We also met his wife Melody and their 8 years old son Michael. When dad tried to get some information about getting a Chinese cell number, Lu, the photographer left us for 5 minutes. He came back with 5 Sim cards, refusing the money dad were trying to pay him back. They also helped me buy my first cell phone in a large electronic store. I noticed that with this family, who are often in contact with foreigners, have all adopted Anglo-Saxon names. They told me that they didn’t have in stock the cell phone model I wanted to get. After buying a shaver that won’t hurt my skin, like dad advised, the shop sales told us to come back later for the cell phone.

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